
DIY: How to Fringe a Shirt.

I love snipping a cutting shirts so i thought. Why not show you guys how to do it, If you don't already know. :) It's really simple to do. You don't have to just fringe the bottom you could also fringe the sleeves or maybe even the collar. I will also post a picture of the bottom fringe with no sleeves. I hope you enjoy this easy DIY. 
Light colored washable marker

1. Get all of your materials and lay your shirt out flat.

2.Measure 4 inches from the bottom of your shirt. Use your marker to mark it. Do the same for the other side and then connect the lines with a horizontal line.

3.Measure 1 inch vertical line from the bottom of the shirt to marked line. Keep drawing them until you reach the end.

4. Cut the vertical lines. Make sure you cut the back piece as well. It saves time.

5. You could keep the shirt like this or you could knot it. When you knot the shirt you make a loop at the top and pull the bottom peice into the loop. Pull. Make sure you knot is where you want it, it could be in the middle, top, bottom, or both. 

It's a really simple thing to do to shirts that spices them up. If you have noticeable marks on your shirt just throw it in the washing machine and it should come right off. I LOVE fringing and i do it to as many shirts as i can. :)



DIY: Turn a broken earring into a ring.

So i have a bunch of earrings that have broken and i didn't know what to do with them. So i thought, hey lets turn them into something different. This is how i turned my broken earring into a ring.
This is what you'll need:
-Your broken earring (This one is a clip on earring the clip just broke off)
-A ring back (This one came from a broken ring where the back broke off from the ornament on the ring but you can buy the backs of rings in bulk on Ebay)
-And super glue (Here i'm using gorilla glue and the way you apply this glue is a little different from your average super glue)

1. Since were using gorilla glue you have to apply it a different way in order to get your ring to stay. So first take a damp cloth and wipe down the ring were your going to be applying the glue.

2. Apply the glue to the part of the ring where you're going to be placing the earring.

3. Then attach the two pieces. It should take an hour to dry and when its dry it'll be nice a secure.