
DIY: Bleached shorts. Part 2 of the Summer Jeans, Jeans, Jeans series.

So i've been wanting these shorts but i didn't want to pay $40-$100 for them (And they're waaay to short for my parents) so i decided to make some myself.

Jean Short pre cut and distressed
Bleach bottle
Large bowls

How to ombre bleach shorts:

1. Using the steps from our shorts out of jeans tutorial here. Cut your jeans, cuff them, and distress them as much as you want.
2. Next label your spray bottle "BLEACH" I labeled mine everywhere just so people won't get confused and cause chaos. Then put on your gloves and pour as much bleach in the bottle as need. I put about a cup in my bottle.
3. Lay your shorts on the ground and start spraying the ends of you shorts
*NOTE when the sun is out and is on your shorts the bleach will bleach it faster.
4. Next, set the shorts outside for about 15 mins to let the bleach really penetrate the shorts.
5. Get the shorts and run water over them and get the excess bleach out the shorts
6. Then throw them in the washer and dryer and you're all done!

How to bleach shorts:
1. grab a bowl and pour about 1 cup of bleach into it. 
2. grab your shorts and dip them in the bleach. add bleach as needed.
3. let the shorts sit and then repeat the rinsing process as from the ombre tutorial then throw them in the washer and dryer and your all done!

Thanks for reading chichi's and chocho's and look out for how to dye jean shorts next up in our Summer Jeans Jeans Jeans series.


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